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1   package org.paneris.jammyjoes.model;
3   import java.sql.Date;
4   import java.util.Map;
6   import org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException;
7   import org.melati.poem.DeletionIntegrityPoemException;
8   import org.melati.poem.ValidationPoemException;
9   import org.paneris.jammyjoes.model.generated.StockTransactionBase;
11  public class StockTransaction extends StockTransactionBase {
13    public StockTransaction() {}
15    public void setDate(Date cooked)
16      throws AccessPoemException, ValidationPoemException {
17      if (cooked == null) cooked = new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime());
18      super.setDate(cooked);
19    }
21    public final void delete(Map map) throws AccessPoemException, DeletionIntegrityPoemException {
22      int currentValue = 0;
23      if (getQuantity() != null) currentValue =  getQuantity().intValue();
24      setThisProductQuantity(-currentValue);
25      super.delete(map);
26    }
28    public void setThisProductQuantity(int q) {
29      if (q != 0) {
30        Product p = getProduct();
31        StockTransactionType t = getType();
32        if (p == null) throw new TransactionException("An attempt was made to set the quantity for a transaction that doesn't reference a product");
33        if (t == null) throw new TransactionException("An attempt was made to set the quantity for a transaction that doesn't have a type");
34        p.clearQuantities();
35        int currentValue = 0;
36        if (p.getStocklevel() != null) currentValue = p.getStocklevel().intValue(); 
37        if (t.getReducestock().booleanValue()) {
38          p.setStocklevel(currentValue - q);
39        } else {
40          p.setStocklevel(currentValue + q);
41        }
42      }
43    }
45    // set the stock level on the record
46    public void setQuantity(Integer cooked) 
47     throws AccessPoemException, ValidationPoemException {
48      int currentValue = 0;
49      int newValue = 0;
50      if (getQuantity() != null) currentValue =  getQuantity().intValue();
51      if (cooked != null) newValue =  cooked.intValue();
52      setThisProductQuantity(newValue - currentValue);
53      super.setQuantity(cooked);
54    }
56    public void setTypeTroid(Integer raw) throws AccessPoemException {
57      if (getType() != null && getType().getTroid() != raw) {
58        int currentValue = 0;
59        if (getQuantity() != null) currentValue =  getQuantity().intValue();
60        setThisProductQuantity(-currentValue);
61        super.setTypeTroid(raw);
62        setThisProductQuantity(currentValue);
63      } else {
64        super.setTypeTroid(raw);
65      }      
66    }
68    public void setProductTroid(Integer raw) throws AccessPoemException {
69      if (getProduct() != null && getProduct().getTroid() != raw) {
70        int currentValue = 0;
71        if (getQuantity() != null) currentValue =  getQuantity().intValue();
72        setThisProductQuantity(-currentValue);
73        super.setProductTroid(raw);
74        setThisProductQuantity(currentValue);
75      } else {
76        super.setProductTroid(raw);
77      }      
78    }
80  }