View Javadoc

1   package org.paneris.jammyjoes.controller;
3   import java.util.Enumeration;
4   import java.util.LinkedList;
5   import java.util.List;
6   import java.util.Vector;
8   import org.melati.Melati;
9   import org.melati.poem.AccessPoemException;
10  import org.melati.poem.AccessToken;
11  import org.melati.poem.BaseFieldAttributes;
12  import org.melati.poem.Capability;
13  import org.melati.poem.Field;
14  import org.melati.poem.PoemThread;
15  import org.melati.servlet.Form;
16  import org.melati.template.ServletTemplateContext;
17  import org.melati.template.TemplateContext;
18  import org.melati.template.TemplateEngine;
19  import org.melati.util.Email;
20  import org.melati.poem.util.EnumUtils;
21  import org.melati.util.MelatiStringWriter;
22  import org.paneris.jammyjoes.mail.HtmlMail;
23  import org.paneris.jammyjoes.mail.MailFascade;
24  import org.paneris.jammyjoes.model.JammyjoesDatabase;
25  import org.paneris.jammyjoes.model.Product;
26  import org.paneris.jammyjoes.model.Supplier;
27  //import org.paneris.jammyjoes.model.User;
28  import org.paneris.jammyjoes.servlet.JammyJoesMelatiServlet;
30  public class PurchaseOrder extends JammyJoesMelatiServlet {
32    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
34    private ProductSearch util;
36    protected String jammyjoesRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context) throws Exception {
38      util = new ProductSearch(null, 0, new Logger(null));
39      JammyjoesDatabase db = (JammyjoesDatabase) melati.getDatabase();
40      Capability admin = db.getCanAdminister();
41      AccessToken token = PoemThread.accessToken();
42      if (!token.givesCapability(admin))
43        throw new AccessPoemException(token, admin);
44      String template = "view/PurchaseOrder.wm";
46      Integer type = Form.getIntegerField(context, "field_type");
47      Integer supplier = Form.getIntegerField(context, "field_supplier");
48      Integer manufacturer = Form.getIntegerField(context, "field_manufacturer");
49      boolean sendit = Form.getBooleanField(context, "sendit").booleanValue();
50      context.put("selectedType", type);
51      context.put("selectedManufacturer", manufacturer);
53      context.put(
54        "type",
55        new Field(
56          type,
57          new BaseFieldAttributes(db.getProductTable().getTypeColumn(), true)));
58      context.put(
59        "supplier",
60        new Field(
61          supplier,
62          new BaseFieldAttributes(db.getProductTable().getSupplierColumn(), true)));
63      context.put(
64        "manufacturer",
65        new Field(
66          manufacturer,
67          new BaseFieldAttributes(db.getProductTable().getManufacturerColumn(),
68            true)));
70      if (sendit || Form.getFormNulled(context, "submit") != null) {
71        Vector where = new Vector();
72        List results = new LinkedList();
73        if (type != null)
74          where.add(q("id") + " = producttype.product and producttype.type = " + type);
75        if (supplier != null)
76          where.add(q("supplier") + " = " + supplier);
77        if (manufacturer != null) {
78          where.add(q("manufacturer") + " = " + manufacturer);
79        }
80        where.add(q("stocklevel") + " <= " + q("reorderlevel"));
81        where.add(q("reorderquantity") + " > 0");
82        where.add(discontinued(db));
84        String whereClause = EnumUtils.concatenated(" AND ", where.elements());
85        Enumeration r = db.getProductTable().selection(whereClause, null, false);
86        double totalCostPrice = 0;
87        double totalCostPriceIncVat = 0;
88        double count = 0;
89        while (r.hasMoreElements()) {
90          Product p = (Product) r.nextElement();
91          results.add(p);
92          count++;
93          if (p.getReorderquantity() != null) {
94            totalCostPrice += p.getReorderquantity().doubleValue() * p.getCostprice().doubleValue();
95            totalCostPriceIncVat += p.getReorderquantity().doubleValue()
96              * p.getCostpriceIncVat().doubleValue();
97          }
98        }
99        context.put("totalCostPrice", new Double(totalCostPrice));
100       context.put("totalCostPriceIncVat", new Double(totalCostPriceIncVat));
101       context.put("vat", new Double(totalCostPriceIncVat - totalCostPrice));
102       Supplier supplierRec = (Supplier) db.getSupplierTable().getObject(supplier);
103       context.put("selectedSupplier", supplierRec);
104       if (supplierRec.getMinimumamount() != null
105         && supplierRec.getMinimumamount().doubleValue() > totalCostPriceIncVat)
106         context.put("notenough", Boolean.TRUE);
107       context.put("results", results);
108       if (sendit) {
109         sendJammyJoesEmail(db, melati.getTemplateEngine(), supplierRec.getEmail(), context);
110         context.put("sent", Boolean.TRUE);
111       }
112     }
113     return template;
114   }
116   private void sendJammyJoesEmail(JammyjoesDatabase db, TemplateEngine engine, String to, TemplateContext context) throws Exception {
117     //User admin = (User)db.getUserTable().administratorUser();
118     MelatiStringWriter writer = new MelatiStringWriter();
119     engine.expandTemplate(writer,"view/PurchaseOrderEmail.wm",context);
120     MailFascade facade = new MailFascade(db.getSettingTable().get(Email.SMTPSERVER));
121     HtmlMail mail = facade.createHtmlMail(writer.toString());
122 //    mail.setRecipient("");
123     mail.setRecipient("");
124     facade.send(mail);
125   }
127   private String discontinued(JammyjoesDatabase db) {
128     String discontinued =
129       "(" + q("status") + " != " + db.getProductStatusTable().getDiscontinued().getTroid();
130     discontinued += " AND "
131       + q("status")
132       + " != "
133       + db.getProductStatusTable().getNotStocked().getTroid()
134       + ")";
135     return discontinued;
136   }
138   public String q(String name) {
139     return util.q(name);
140   }
142 }